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Field Trips with Ortona

Most students would say that the best field trips are about having fun, while most teachers feel that field trips should be about education. So where is the happy medium? The answer can be found in an Ortona Gymnastics Club field trip.

Here at Ortona, we combine fun games, activities and gymnastics circuits to create a field trip that is not only engaging and exciting but also physically challenging and educational for every grade level.

We offer field trips year-round for all grade levels and for students of all abilities.

The Benefits of an Ortona Field Trip:

Here at Ortona, our mission is simple: Gymnastics for all.

Offering field trips for Edmonton and area schools helps us achieve this mission. We strongly believe that an Ortona field trip offers students a chance to exercise their bodies and minds. Students leave feeling accomplished, enthusiastic and proud knowing that what they learned is a fun and exciting way to stay healthy.

Gymnastics is a well-rounded sport that promotes active bodies and active minds. Body awareness, self-confidence, communication skills and enthusiasm are just some of the many physical, mental, and emotional benefits of an Ortona field trip. By introducing students to gymnastics in an exciting, safe and stimulating way, we encourage daily activity for life.

Our coaches are qualified, professional and can efficiently coach any age group, and all the gymnastics equipment is provided. Our incredible facility provides a positive learning space for students to grow and develop.

With so many benefits, it’s easy to see why an Ortona field trip is the perfect option for any student, class, grade or school.

Our Program:

Discover, Explore, Learn

The Discover, Explore and Learn program provides students with a basic introduction to gymnastics and is ideal for groups who have had little prior experience in gymnastics. Students will gain a preliminary understanding of gymnastics by focusing on several core concepts:


Billing will be completed prior to your field trip(s). It can be paid for online prior to your arrival, at our front desk if requested, or immediately after your field trip(s). Invoices can be paid via Credit Card, Cash, Cheque or EFT. Invoicing will be based off of the number of students confirmed 15 days prior to your arrival. If more participants attend than your provided amounts, we will charge you accordingly. We strive to provide an active and memorable experience throughout all of our circuits and we ask for your assistance on this matter.

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation Policy; if cancelling a Field Trip more than 21 days prior to the date of your scheduled field trip, then no penalty will be applied. If cancelling between 21 days and 48 hours before the date of your scheduled field trip, then an invoice for half of your booked numbers will be issued. Cancellations less than 48 hours in advance of your visit will result in an invoice being issued for the full numbers booked. Please be aware that if two or more visits are cancelled within a single school year than future visits must be prepaid.


Ready to Book?

Please complete the following form, where you can find booking times and pricing information:
Field Trip Booking Form
For additional info please contact us: 
Email: fieldtrips@ortonagymnastics.com 


Call: (780) 492-7300