GFA Badge 6 - LTAD 3
GFA Badge 6 is a 2 hour class which starts to break down into women’s apparatus specific skills. Athletes must master at least 85% of the required skills in order to continue to the next level.
At badge 6, the girls continue to focus on women’s artistic gymnastics events which are the vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor. Additionally, fundamental movements are combined with basic skills to teach the athletes more advanced skills. Athletes must train regularly to maintain strength, flexibility, coordination and balance.
Badge 6: Athletes further build on basic techniques and learn skills to help them succeed on each of the 4 apparatuses such as circle elements on the bars, floor combinations, vaulting skills and basic acrobatic elements for the balance beam.
Gymnastics For All was created by Gymnastics Canada and is used as a progress monitoring and motivational tool for men’s and women’s artistic gymnastics. Athletes in the GFA program are beginner to advanced level recreational gymnasts and entry level competitive gymnasts.
The GFA program is based on Gymnastics Canada’s 3 philosophical pillars of fun, fitness and fundamentals. These 3 beliefs are integrated into every lesson which creates a welcoming, engaging and exciting environment for all gymnasts.
GFA has two objectives:
To provide a badge-based, skill development program for Canadian gymnastic clubs.
To provide resource material that complements the Level 1 and 2 National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Gymnastics curriculum. Gymnastics For All is a progressive 12-badge program that challenges kids to develop their gymnastic skills in a fun and safe environment. Every child receives a progress card and a badge when each level is completed.
Gymnastics is a fun-filled, non-contact activity through which children can develop self-confidence, experience a wide variety of challenges and opportunity for social interaction.
Gymnastics helps develop physical literacy in children. The development of these physical tools are needed to take part in activity and sport, both for healthy life-long enjoyment and for sporting success. You’re never too young to gain something positive from the sport of gymnastics.
For full details on Long Term Athlete Development refer to Gymnastics Canada website. We have selected a highlight from each stage.
Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) taken from Gymnastics Canada Role of Parents/Guardians in this Stage
- Parents continue to expose participants to a range of activities, provide encouragement and show interest in participating in sport and physical activity.
- Parents must listen to the participant to help identify sport preference.
- Parents will continue to maintain a balance with school, other sport and non-sport activities.
- Parents should be prepared to transport participants to activities, and to pay for these activities.
Required Memberships
Recommended Programs
- Prerequisite Artistic Badge 5 - PREREQ USE ONLY
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