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Club Event - Casino

Co-ed at least 18y but less than 99y

Casino as part of 2019-2020 Team requirements. Locate a position and click on ADDITION INFORMATION for job description for the position you have selected.

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All individuals who will be in key roles are required to fill out the Volunteer Workers Application forms and they will be available at the front office and will be emailed directly to you once you have registered.

All volunteers please bring photo ID with you.

Taken from AGLC Casino Licensee Terms & Conditions and Operating Guidelines Form RS/GAM 5481(2017 Feb)  casino_licensee_terms_and_conditions


27.1 Eligibility requirements for volunteer staff or charity workers are as follows:

a) only bona fide members of the licensed charity or employees of a First Nation Charity shall work in the positions of general manager, banker, cashier, count room supervisor or advisor (when performed by a volunteer). The licensed charity may use non‐members, on a volunteer basis, to fill other positions as required. Licensed charities whose members are disabled may accept outside volunteer help for all positions;
b) charity workers must be registered with the AGLC and may only work at First Nation casinos;
c) charity workers’ wages shall be subject to AGLC approval;
d) all volunteer staff and charity workers must be 18 years of age or older; and
e) a person may not be eligible to work in a casino if the person:

i) has, within the five years prior to the submission of the application been charged with or convicted of:

- an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), the Excise Act (Canada), the Food and Drugs Act (Canada) or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada), or
- an offence under a foreign Act or regulation that, in the Board’s opinion, is substantially similar to an offence referred to in subclause i).

ii) has, at any time been charged with or convicted of:

- an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), the Excise Act (Canada), the Food and Drugs Act (Canada) or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada), or‐ an offence under a foreign Act or regulation that, in the Board’s opinion, is substantially similar to an offence referred to in subclause ii), 

if in the Board’s opinion the offence is sufficiently serious that it may detract from the integrity with which gaming activities or provincial lotteries are to be conducted in Alberta; or

iii) has, within the five (5) years prior to the submission of the application, been serving a term of imprisonment of three (3) years or more.


There are no prerequisites for this program.

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